Monday, August 19, 2019

The Longest Week movie review

The Longest Week

The Longest Week (2014), written and directed by  Peter Glanz, story by Peter Glanz and Juan Iglesias, is based on a love triangle between the characters of an adolescent, 40 year old, wealthy man - boy, Conrad Valmount (Jason Bateman), his pretentious artist friend, who has worked his way into wealth and high New York society, Dylan Tate (Billy Crudup) and the girl they both meet on a separate occasions and fall in love with, model and literature fanatic, Beatrice Fairbanks (Olivia Wilde). 

Conrad's wealthy parents abandoned him and have been traveling since he was 7 years old.  They left him in the care of their high end Manhattan hotel staff. Out of guilt, his parents pay for therapy session for him during all those years.  His butler and therapists are more like parents to him. 

While still traveling the world, his parent's inform him they are getting a divorce.  Neither wants to continue supporting him.  Conrad is then forced to move out of his parent's hotel and in with his wealthy artist friend, Dylan.  Conrad begins to lie to save face within his circle of acquaintances. Although he is now penniless, he is sure this will all blow over and his parents will resume their guilty support of him within a couple weeks or months.  He just has to hold out until then.

Aimless, Conrad, who has been feigning to write a novel for the past ten years, realizes he is out of luck and in big trouble now that his parents have cut him off.  Among all his mooching friends, the only real friend he feels he has is self made Dylan.  He lies to Dylan, telling him his parents hotel is under renovations and he needs a place to stay for a while.  Conrad proceeds to live his life as usual, running up bills in establishments across Manhattan.  He calls his mother regularly to see when she is coming home. 

Forced to now ride the subway for the first time in years, Conrad spots a woman he is attracted to across from him.  She is reading "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen.  They exchange knowing glances and smiles.  Before getting off the subway at her stop, she gives him her phone number on a page corner of her book and leaves.  They never speak to one another.

Later, during discussions with his friend Dylan, he tells Dylan about his brief meeting on the subway and says he may just be in love.  Dylan, who has broken up with his long time girlfriend, tells Conrad he has met another woman.  He will be meeting her at his gallery showing later that night and wants Conrad to attend and meet her as well.  When he does, he learns that the girl Dylan is in love with and he is in love with are one in the same, Beatrice.  Dylan notices Conrad's attraction to Beatrice and asks him to stay away from her.  But Conrad, being naturally selfish, cannot resist the pull of the feelings he has for Beatrice.  The love triangle begins.

We are taken through Conrad's world of utter disregard for those around him and shown how he has lived an absolutely carefree existence.  That is until he loses the only real friend he has over his love for Beatrice.  But losing Dylan's friendship affects Conrad in ways he never expected.  His penniless existence has also taken him by surprise, as he tries to navigate the realization that he may truly have to support himself. 

Will he have to get a job?  If so, what will he do?  Or will he finally have to get serious and finish his book?  His journey through growing up and finally becoming somewhat responsible and accountable for his actions, to the people he now finds he cares about the most, all plays out in the longest week of his life.

This romantic comedy is witty, but also a bit serious with a comedic spin on those serious subjects.  It tackles questions and personal situations we all deal with at one time or another in our lives over many years.  However, Conrad is having to deal with them at forty and within one week, because his maturity has been delayed by his parents.  Thus, creating the longest, hardest week of his life.  Making this movie a funny look at how a forty year old man - boy finally grows up.  Well, almost.

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Watch it now for free on Tubi:

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